Our logo was carefully researched and Bees were chosen to represent our company as the Bee is symbolic of industry, regeneration, wisdom and creativity. The final clincher was that both founding members, namely; Heather Botha and Shelley Barnard, have surnames starting with the letter “B”, hence the 2Bs.
2B Studio was established in 2008. Our team consists of trainers and designers who have had years of experience in their chosen fields, these range from working in advertising agencies, magazine publishing houses, reproduction and pre-press companies, packaging corporations and web design.
Our belief is that training and enhanced skills offer an immediate payoff for clients and companies; by increasing their productivity and bottom-line profitability, through the implementation of workflows that instills cost saving.
Keeping up to date with news and information regarding design trends, we can provide high quality, fresh and modern design services, delivered with passion and enthusiasm, at affordable prices; because we love what we do!
We also offer remote management of Art Departments, working in tandem with your existing team, we help you put procedures in place that would assist in streamlining your productivity. 2B Studio has successfully been operating remotely for many years, using internet and mobile technology for constant communication when liaising with clients, downloading/uploading of pics and text documents and supplying final artwork/websites for approval. We can therefore deliver quality service anywhere.
We take client briefs through to initial design, design reviews, final proofs, perform pre-press validation and finally supply press ready PDFs to your printer.
Let us assist your company to grow through Corporate Branding, Effective Graphic Design, Social Media and Web Site Development.
Deadlines are always discussed with our clients and when planned schedules are adhered to, we can offer quick turnaround times on your projects.
Bee inspired!